Lucius Novatian

Don’t only practice your art,
but force your way into its secrets
-Ludwig van Beethoven

Name: Lucius goe Novatian
Aliases: Minder One
Age: Middle-aged
Race: Pureblood Garlean
Occupation: Censor, Composer, Violinist
A military career in occupied Othard including a devastating campaign into Dalmasca's Golmore Jungle. A few semesters guest instructing in gunblade maintenance at the Magitek Academy. A prestigious rotating gig conducting the Imperial Orchestra in the capital. Some mysterious governmental appointment that seems to have either vanished or gone underground in the wake of civil war in the capital. Lucius' career has been varied, if not always highly storied.

Run Through the Jungle As a younger man, Lucius was a member of a specialized infantry regiment stationed through various points of Othard, including Dalmasca. He was the lone survivor of an ill-fated push into the Golmore Jungle, but returned with a local who has been his close 'associate' ever since. He is close-lipped about that association with the Viera in question, Sian fae Ferus, but is quick to remind anyone of her Garlean citizenship whenever necessary.Magitek Academy Students at the Empire's magitek Academy of recent generations may have taken courses in gunblade maintenance and practical applications from the guest instructor. He was known to favor students who showed more matrial than cerebral talents, but only slightly. His favorite students often received prestigious offers of service and good postings after his recommendations - as good as his connections and their own showings of quality would allow.Garlean Imperial Orchestra Afficionados of Garlean culture may have heard the obscure orchestral compositions of a music student whose career faded into nothingness during his seconary education. Music fans in the Capital may have definitely attended a performance lead by a distinguished guest conductor in position for a season before departing for other pursuits.Minder One: It takes a particular security clearance in the Frumentarium to know of the existance of the Minders - a three-person unit deployed into all manner of agile situations, both within the Empire and without. The identities of the members of this unit are not well known, and - in the wake f the recent civil unrest in Garlemald, it is unsure if they are even still operational (or alive) at all

In game: Lucius Novatian
Server: Balmung/Crystal
Timezone: EST
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